Illustrator 3 - Flat Portrait

Today's task is to make a flat portrait of any artist. We were allowed to use any tools we had, so to trace the face of Danny Devito I've used Pixlr Editor. A web program that's easy to use and comfortable to sketch with. With the sketchy pencil, I begin tracing Danny Devito's face.

Get the face you want to flatten 
Begin tracing

Steadily making progress here

He Kind of looks like a thumb here

Danny Devito's looking decidedly Borderlands now

Now he looks like a potato

Almsot done

All that's left is the hair

And we're done.

Once you're done with the outline, you can proceed to colour the image. I've switched to Photoshop to colour the image as it's much easier of a process. Simply select a specific colour from the real image and start dabbing it to the outline. Use shadows and highlights to give the image a slightly 3D feel and some depth. You should end up with something like what you see below.

The Trashman
And really, that's about it for this one. The process is relatively simple, it's just time consumikng to get right. You can see the final products for both the outlining and coloured image down below. Until the next task then.

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